Enrichment Program Registration
Take advantage of St. David’s Episcopal Day School’s unique opportunities for educational exploration by enrolling your child in one of our specialized enrichment clubs which run in fall and spring sessions.
Morning Enrichment Clubs
St. David’s Episcopal Day School is pleased to offer two mixed age group morning enrichment programs that are open to our students as well as students not enrolled in our school. Registration is currently open for morning enrichment programs, and you may enroll through our application form below.
Daily Lunch Bunch Option
We offer a daily option for those enrolled in our twos, nursery school, pre-K, or morning enrichment clubs to stay for “lunch bunch,” which includes lunch (brought from home), indoor or outdoor play, and story time. No advanced registration is necessary.
Afternoon Enrichment Clubs
Beyond our morning programs, St. David’s Episcopal Day School offers a variety of afternoon enrichment clubs that allow children to explore a topic of interest in more detail.
Afternoon enrichment clubs run daily for children and include “lunch bunch,” recess, snack, and learning activities centered around the club’s theme. Students may enroll in 1 to 5 clubs per week. A complete schedule and registration will be available in 2018.